Jamila and I hang out in our apartment most days finding things to do and resting since she still loves to sleep. It is hard to believe that she has been in our lives for only 8 weeks. I remember things before she came but it is fleeting just like other times in my life where there has been a multi-dimensional change in the way I live. Now my focus is Jamila and trying to get enough time in with Dominic when she is resting. My energy is all on the family for now. And keeping myself healthy and happy. This hat is from my sister, Sine, who wanted to give Jamila something not so obviously girly. Soooo cute!!!! Bathtime with Papa, one of her favorite things to do. And it makes her sleepy too. This may sound strange but Jamila picked this shirt out for herself. How you may ask did she do this? Well we held up different shirts up for her to look at and this one had the most favorable reaction of the raising of her eyebrows and opening her eyes wide. The other shirts made her cry. Jamila seems to really enjoy Hand Hand Fingers Thumb. She gets very wide eyes and starts to try to talk while I read it. Also her legs get into the story too like she is very excited about the story pumping away. This was a gift from one of my friend's children, Paula. Paula thought Jamila would like this octopus and she figured right. Paula is about 2 1/2 years old and she has great taste. The legs of the octopus when sqeezed make the notes of the scale. It sounds a bit like a harmonica. These are Jamila's foot rattles to help her realize her feet are attached to her since she really moves those legs like she is going somewhere and fast. She really likes the cow but not the sheep. In fact the sheep made her upset when it was held in front of her and the cow made her smile. Jamila is laughing and smiling without any sound and we finally caught it on camera!!! She really likes the pink pig with the corn-she always is looking at it and talking to it. Such a sweet picture of her having sweet dreams. I love watching her sleep. There is something so special in being able to see Jamila in all her states and the sleeping one is the most vulnerable and oh so peaceful for her and for me.
I love the expression on number two!
Its so wonderful to read about your experiences as a new mom. You truly are a wonderously beautiful family. We all miss you very very much.
I love the picture in which Jamila is sleeping. She is so~~~~ cute.
I totally understand why you like to watch she is sleeping.
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