Thanks everyone for your heartfelt comments about my last posting on isolation as a stay at home mom. One of these days when we get a second car, it will help me to be able to get out during the day. I feel close to all of you in spirit even though I can't be with you physically. I never felt this isolated before because I had options to get out and also I never had to take care of somebody 24 hours 7 days a week with no long breaks. I am learning to take advantage and fully utilize my short breaks. My time is no longer my time alone but really for the family. Being a parent truly makes me appreciate my parents so much more than before. Dominic feels the same. There was no way for us to know the position our parents have been in until now. I really miss Chicago for the public transportation and for it being convenient in a big city way. Jamila is 4 months now and this picture of her with Dominic getting ready for one of their walks is sooo sweet.
This is one of Dominic's photographs after a family dinner outing. I like to go out to eat once a week just to get out but to be with the family too. And since both Dominic and I are usually exhausted by the middle of the week or the end of the week it is good to take a break. Dominic works 7 days a week right now so he is constantly without a break. I love this picture!!! Jamila is talking to all the dangling things. There is a mobile furthur above her not pictured that she converses with regularly. She is always trying to figure out what is going on and why things make certain noises or look new. You can see in her eye and her expressions she is really thinking hard. This is the first smile caught on camera. What a brilliant smile! And here is her serious and intense look when she is studying things. She also has a popping eye studying look when she can hardly believe what she is seeing. She is so interested in the world and can hardly get enough most days. Tummy time for Jamila. Some days are better than others with this activity. She was enjoying her tummy time in this picture. Everyday, Jamila and I have a dancing, bouncing, flying play time to my world music. She smiles and laughs out loud. One of her favorite songs is an East Indian song called Aaj Mera Jee Karda from the Monsoon Wedding soundtrack and another favorite is Maria Salome by Saida Karoli from Tanzania who is from Dominic and Jamila's tribe, the Haya.